Happy Halloween!

It took me a while to finish another project, but it is here……J’s totoro costume for Halloween! What do you all think?

It was quite difficult to take some good pictures of the costume, because J was moving all the time and I couldn’t properly zoom in or out. I was maybe a bit overzealous and impatient while taking the pictures so he got a lil bit grumpy and teary on me…


But after I gave him a cookie, all was well again.


This is the first piece of garment that I ever sewed and I’m so proud of the result. It actually fits him! So now that I know I can sew a costume, I want to start sewing clothes for my son. I want to sew fun and colorful pieces of clothing for my son, cause the only colours I see in the boys section of alot of department stores is blue, grey, black and white. And taupe, but I think 2 years old is too young to wear such a sophisticated colour as taupe.

Other than this costume, I haven’t sewn anything else this year. I got a bit overwhelmed with being a single mom, J becoming a toddler and not sleeping as much as he did when he was a baby, the coordination of all the appointments at the hospital, daycare, care instutions and therapists for J and the healing course I was taking. I just didn’t feel inspired to sew and was watching alot of tv series and reality shows instead =O

Anyway, I’m going to watch agents of shield now. Hope you all had a lovely Halloween.

Oh, almost forgot…..here is the tutorial for the Totoro. The instructions are very clear and the blog is really nice as well.

How I got into it all

Wow, reading back my previous post, I cannot believe how much has happened in the past 3 months! While I was dreaming about starting a mommy craftsblog full of cool DIY stuff for my little one 3 months ago, now I am actually taking an ET healing course and hoping to become an ET healer.

Say what? ET? As in Extraterrestrial? Yes!! I’m taking a course in healing with the help of an extraterrestrial medical team! Now how in the world did I get myself into this? Let me explain first before I dive deeper into the world of the ET’s.

In my last blogpost I’ve already written a bit about the challenging year that I’ve gone through last year. I started watching Bashar videos on youtube last summer. For a couple of months, listening to Bashar videos while knitting or crocheting was my highest excitement. I’m very well aware that not everybody will like his fast paced style of speaking, but since I’m a very impatient person, I find it actually refreshing to finally see someone give practical and down to earth advice and FAST! One of the main reasons I prefer the ET approach so much is because with them everything is fast and it’s possible! You don’t need to go through a painful process that takes years and years of soulsearching and digging deeper and deeper until you finally reach enlightenment. No! Life’s supposed to be fun and exciting! As Bashar says: “The best way to enlightenment is to lighten up on yourself!”.  

At the same time a good friend of mine told me about The Reconnection. The Reconnection is a relatively new healing form where the meridian lines of your body are being reconnected with the ley lines of the planet and the universal energy grid. During the reconnection energypatterns are recovered, energypoints and some parts of your DNA are activated and as a result your process of becoming more of yourself gets accelerated. Basically after the Reconnection you are more in touch with your higher self and you will know which path to take to have a more happy and fulfilling life.

What attracted me to the Reconnection is the idea of getting in touch with my higher self again. Being a new mom, I sometimes found it hard to be in touch with myself because all the stuff that I did before I became a mom just seemed so silly and meaningless. It was as if with the birth of my son, also came the birth of a new me and I had to get to know both the baby and me again. Plus all the stress and upheavel that was going on in my life. I just wanted a shortcut back to myself and the Reconnection seemed to promise that so I just went for it.

The Reconnection was truly one of the most beautiful experiences I had in my life. During the session I saw a bright and white light as if the sun was shining in from outside, cept that it was overcast outside. My eyelids started to flutter from time to time and I saw in the blink of an eye another pair of hands above my head, while the healer was beside my feet. A couple of days after the Reconnection something happened that normally would be very upsetting and causing alot of anger and sadness in me. But it didn’t. I just felt empty and at peace. And I felt a strong urge not to be angry, but to be compassionate. I could step back and see everything that was happening from a distance and I knew that the most important thing then and there was to be COMPASSIONATE. And so I did. I lent out alot of money in the hope of helping someone that I loved. I may never get it back. Maybe I will.. I don’t know. But I’m just happy that I didn’t let the circumstances change me. I didn’t become distrustful and cynical. I can still feel compassion and love in my heart. And I truly believe that had I not taken the Reconnection, that stumbling block would have been much harder to take and overcome. 

So after the Reconnection I learned that every time my eyes start to flutter, there is a source of higher energy present. The healer explained to me how I could use this energy to heal others. You had to ground yourself and when your eyes start to flutter, that means you’re open and the energy is flowing through you. So she explained to me how to ground myself, but when I got back home I only did it a couple of times and I just was too lazy and impatient to ground myself so I never got to it again.

Until in november my eyes started to flutter one night without any grounding exercises or me doing anything. Every thursday night at around 11pm, my eyes would just start to flutter and sometimes I’d hear high frequencies, which indicated that I was being visited by a source of higher energy. It was also around that time that I came upon the Beyond Medicine website and their ET healing course and I got very very excited about that. So I booked a healing session at Beyond Medicine to see if it was possible for me to take the healing course and I discovered there what the fluttering of the eyes at night was all about. It turns out that they, the ET’s, have been observing me to see what kind of person I am and what intentions I have. They said that I have a very pure heart and that they wanted to work with me if I’m ready for it.

Now I know this may sound like a scam to people that do not believe in ET’s. Ofcoarse they’re going to say the ET’s want to work with you and that you are such a good person. You’re after all going to pay alot of money for that course! Ofcoarse they’ll say you have a heart of gold! I’ve thought of this myself as well. But everytime these thoughts pop up I think back to the nights where my eyelids started to flutter and I heard these high frequencies. No scammer can do these things to you just by looking at their website and I surely can’t make my own eyelids flutter like that. And some other stuff has also happened since then that make me really believe that this ET stuff is real and that’s why I decided to write about this on my blog as well. The reason why I had to explain so elaborately how I got into this is because I know this is really strange and “out there”. I hope that by taking you along with me on my ET healing journey, all this ET stuff will become less weird and hopefully it will give you some more insights into what ET healing is and why the ET’s are helping us. I still have alot to learn and I hope I can share everything I learn with you all =)

A rough year and some finished projects

My son is now almost one years old. In two weeks he will become one and it breaks my heart that I’ve lent my last money to his father who promised to pay me back tonight. Well, it’s almost midnight and he hasn’t showed up yet. I’m so tired. So tired of lending out money and not getting it back. So tired of getting hopeful that this time things will get better and things ending up being the same again. Why? Why do I always fall for it?

This year has been a rough year, full of cycles of hope and heartbreak. While I was pregnant we both had plans for moving to Curacao. He was already there doing very well and up until the last month of my pregnancy, I believed that he would only come back for the birth of our child for a couple of months before he would head back to Curacao again. The plan was that I would go there for a couple of months at first and then for one year and see whether I would like it there enough to live there. In my mind I was already there. I could see my child growing up there, playing outside in the sun every day, swimming in the sea and growing up with an abundance of mangos and papayas grown from the trees in our backyard. I could see myself living there, living a tranquil housewifey life, raising my kids and growing fruits and vegetables in our backyard. He has a plot of land there and he could build our house. So why not? Why fucking not? The only doubts I had was whether I could leave my family, friends and everything I’ve ever known behind and go live on an island I had yet to visit for the very first time.

I guess he felt my doubts. One month before the birth of our son, he suddenly decides that he should come back to Holland and give it another try here. He told me he couldn’t leave me here all alone with the baby and that the baby also needed him as a father. And thus began our year of trial and tribulations. A year of financial stress, bad luck and so much unrest. Looking back I can’t even believe that I went through all that. But when you go through life a day at a time, you don’t notice the load on your back growing each and every day with you. Kind of like growing a child =)

I thank God every day that my son is a happy and content baby that didn’t notice or didn’t let the things going on around him influence his moods at all. Before I had him, I didn’t have any experience with babies or children at all. I didn’t know how to hold a baby, how to change a diaper or how to interact with a baby. And this baby was so easy! He hardly ever cries, he slept through the night at 6 weeks, he eats and drinks well and he is soooooo happy! Without him I wouldn’t even have bothered going through so much with his dad. Without him his dad and me would be over now. He kept us together. And even though I don’t know yet whether we will actually make it together and where we will end up, I’m sure that it will be great for all 3 of us. This year the elastic band has been pulled very very tight and I know that I should just let go in order for us to shoot forward. But a moment ago I was just so upset that I fell into the same old same old pattern of lending out money to his dad and ending up being upset all over again.

On another note. I finished two projects awhile ago. The first is a knitted peacoat for Jordan…


and the second is the beloved Noodlehead divided basket!!

divided basket

The knitted peacoat is unfortunately a bit too small for Jordan (he grows so fast!). But I’m so proud of how the divided basket turned out!! It is the first thing I ever sewed from a pattern that is not a quilt and I’m just so proud! I felt so intimidated by the pattern, but it wasn’t actually that difficult. It did take me a whole day to make it, while on other blogs I read that it only took them 30 minutes to make it. But I’m sure I will get faster over time =)

Right now I’m working on a blanket for Jordan, with the same cute fabric as the divided basket frontpocket. I also have an unfinished totoro costume that I want to turn into a pluche toy and a crochet blanket to finish. It is autumn now and I’m starting to be more productive again =) I just have to work out a plan for being more consistent with blogging. Not sure yet how I’m going to do that, as consistency is not really my forte. To be continued.

Started working out again

I got bored at work yesterday so I went on to youtube to see what’s on and I saw that Keaira Lashae has a new website up called ifyoucanmove.com. I’ve been working out with Keaira Lashae’s youtube videos for 2-3 years now. I love her dance workout videos and she has a very fun personality. I just love her style and she’s the only one on youtube that does the hiphop dance workout videos. No wait, there’s also a guy called Corey Brown who does Urbancardio dance videos and his dance workouts are also very fun to do, but they’re usually very short. I get very very happy doing his dance workouts though, even if it’s just for 3 minutes.

Anyway, Keaira Lashae has a octobre workout schedule up on her site now and I decided to join yesterday. I am still 5-7 kilos overweight from my pregnancy and I’m also tired of feeling fat and unfit. I used to do workouts like 5-6 days a week, for 40-90 minutes a day and I was so happy with the way my body looked before I got pregnant. So my goal is to get down to 71-73 kilos again by the end of this year. Now I’m like 79 kilos =(

Today is day 2 from the octobre challenge and I did 2,5 workout videos. She has one workout video for every day of the challenge, but some videos are only 20 minutes and sometimes I have more time and energy so I’ll do some of her dance workouts from her youtube channel as well. Hopefully I will have lost like 3-4 kilos by the end of this month, that would be great.

Here is Keaira Lashae’s octobre 31 day challenge video:

And this is one of Corey Brown’s dance workouts. The video and sound quality is not very good, but this guy’s energy is sooooo high!! I just can’t stop smiling while doing his workouts =)



Welcome to my blog. I will mainly post my sewing and crafting projects here. Maybe also some stuff about being a mommy. Here’s a little info about me, I’m from Amsterdam, became a mommy 10 months ago to the loveliest “poopyschmoopy” ever and during my pregnancy leave I discovered sewing, knitting and crocheting. This blog is mainly to record my projects and to track my progress. Hopefully I will grow into a cool parent with kickass sewing/quilting skills, like all the other mommy sewing bloggers that I’ve been following lately.

Here are some projects of mine that I finished last winter. I’m more productive in fall and in winter, probably because wooly things are more useful during those seasons.

giraf1 giraf2 quilt panda puffy boxed